In The Cold Dark
In The Cold Dark
Creators: Matt Gibbs (writer) & V.V. Glass (illustrator)
Letterer: Mike Stock
Editor: Lizzie Boyle
Publisher: Rebellion
Website: Treasury of British Comics
Twitter: @britcomics
In The Cold Dark is an archaeological-horror strip for the Tammy & Jinty Special 2019, by Matt Gibbs & V.V. Glass, with lettering by Mike Stock, edited by Lizzie Boyle.
These ground-breaking female-led comics covered everything from science fiction and fantasy to romance and domestic drama, and this brand new 48-page special, retooled for the 21st Century, features a host of the finest modern creators pay tribute to this legacy of trail-blazing comics while introducing a new audience to the medium!
Creators such as Rachael Smith, V.V. Glass (Assassin’s Creed), Emma Beeby (Mata Hari), DaNi (Misty), Yishan Li (Batwoman), Rob Williams (Roy of the Rovers), and many more present daring girl-led tales of roller derby, archaeology, codebreaking, ballet, space adventure and more - including a gorgeous cover by Lisa Henke (Roy of the Rovers) and a back cover by Kit Buss (Critical Role’s Vox Machina!).